Challenges to the Relationship – Don’t Under-estimate the Soul – Relationship, Soulmate, Business, Holiday, Parents of Soldiers Flow!

Challenges to our Relationship Flow – Keep Unified & Strong!

United Souls – Section 2 by Eli Goldsmith – A Journey towards Real Unification in Everyway… Continued – Check out Part 43 for the Intro…

Dedicated to all the United Souls that know The Truth of their Souls and for all those that know not yet & must know.

Don’t Under-estimate the SoulLeave a comment

The Spiritual Investment in developing technology is going to be the winning unique aspect that even Emotional Intelligence and Versatility will depend on for long-term fulfillment and humanity’s real success. Too much dependency on AI, VR, AR, and any other Hi-Tech innovation without Soulful Awareness is handing over Human Creativity to soulless machines. Our Soul is what gives us the true guide in the complete journey of humanity, to protect us from approaching dependency on resources we should only elevate not need more than necessary. The power of in-person connection, especially soulful closeness can always fulfill the needs of humanity, way beyond words compared to technology. The lie that technology is making our lives easier when in many ways if not managed with the soul has increased all kinds of Emotional and physical, and contributed hugely to the current Mental Health Crises. This is something I personally, alongside my spiritual guides and sincere friends fathers, and grandfathers themselves, pray on and scream about inwardly, crying to our Creator to help our current generation alongside the new generations who have way too much screen time and emotional involvement with for example their phones. We need to heal our addictions and bring ourselves to experience true content, influencing the sphere we are blessed to have and elevating our lives with more Soul. This Reality of Soul and self-awareness will improve our most important Relationships and open our hearts to the Divine-Flow we live daily in.

Relationship Soulmate Flow

Let’s explain how vital discussing the Relationship Flow approach is for our recent generations. Previously, couples were able through strong discipline and values to commit through the hard knocks of life no matter what. Nowadays, without a Soulmate connection many marriages and relationships are failing and breaking especially in the commitment aspect and longevity. The challenges of our fast-paced, technologically, stimulating days are testing the most loyal of couples. We all need to learn more about Soulful awareness, True Self Knowledge is a big key to finding your Soul Partner. The Pleasure of touching on the Eternal connection of intimacy and the deepest companionship should not be underestimated in giving us the tools to weather the most challenging storms of life. My prayer of thanks to our Creator for blessing myself and my Soulmate with our Relationship and sharing that Flow beyond to our family, and community. Even publicly through our growing Relationship Flow Podcast… We shall discuss these love-changing concepts further throughout this 2nd Section in more depth… Welcome to Check out the latest episode here –

Business with Soul

We discuss almost daily in our Unity Flow Podcast (link here –

) the importance of doing business with soul, let’s learn a little of the advice we have shared on an expansive level in our Podcasts. I believe we need to look for the divine flow in every interaction, every moment, place, and soul we are looking to do business with. The Soul is the Goal of the Light to bring clarity which is the right approach to this current process in the business flow. That’s the point, it’s a flow, and the experience isn’t whatever, it’s all with an awareness of the Divine Flow that is orchestrating this current reality. Success isn’t the focus, rather, what am I learning about myself and the inner reality with every interaction? This requires a lot of self-awareness and humility to bring the Soul level to every business deal etc… We need to pray, meditate, learn, and work harder on our inner perception than on our actual revealed actions. The key is the true value system we work with. I would like to suggest checking out 7 Universal Principles I found alive in Stephen Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” and discussed further in our Unity Flow (link above) & Intimacy Flow ((1) Eli Goldsmith – YouTube) podcasts and briefly mentioned in Section 1 in my enhanced version of the “10 Habits of Truly Effective You’s…” We shall discuss this all more shortly…

Holiday with Soul

We shall keep growing toward more Soulful Awareness especially when we get a special time away from all the usual pressures and distractions. The goal of all the hard work isn’t the Holiday at the end of it all to indulge the body, but rather an opportunity to use our precious gift of time to dedicate to our most important relationships and inner development. One of the most important habits is the second one “Begin with the End in Mind” – A Mission Statement. A Vacation from the usual grind gives us the peace of mind to go inside, what is needed in our inner development. Where do we need to refocus and how we then can live a more effective Mission-led life? I sincerely believe that clarifying our mission and refining it more and more, will lead to increased fulfillment and joy. After all the hard daily work a holiday is what is needed to bind our love of life, other souls, and most importantly a place whose beauty expands the mind and heart. We have the ability to make a choice prioritize those who mean most to us and share special moments by sunrise and sunset. Generally, this will be in a state of prayer and meditation, however, sometimes the Holiday with Soul is with a Soulmate. Someone with whom we can build a life together. This is a real blessing. 

Soulful Tools for Parents of Soldiers

My Soulmate shared some deep truths. Our oldest son is back in an intense War zone in Gaza… We needed a few days to Internalize as Parents of Soldiers our Soulful Mission with Tools to Keep Strong! 1. Visualization 2. Praying 3. Regrouping 4. Inner talk & work 5. Trust in self 6. Functionally Optimally 7. Sharing with Souls… The Soulful Mission of Soldiers & Parents of Soldiers – Tools to Keep Strong! Welcome to listen sincerely here -

The Zera Shimshon – Weekly Class – Parshat Naso – by Charles Sakkal – The Torah of the Summer –

רב ישראל זילברברג מכולל חצות זרע שמשון Official R Yisrael Zilberberg ZeraShimshon Parshat Bamidbar

Shavua Tov – who would want Shulem Lemmer in Efrat for this week’s Monday night event? – – Sound of Silence #unitybookings #shulemlemmer TBC let’s gooooooo #dontbesilent

ITS OFFICIAL @DJHudacris Summer US Tour 2024 | דיג’יי הודאקריס DJHudacris #Summertour – DM @unityinspiresprojects #UnityBookings –

Alex Clare’s new tracks & collabs – good news also is Alex is available to book in London now –

Check out Maze – #ShiahMaisel –

DM #unitybookings #alexclare #booknow

Check out @therealgavriel @nissimofficial @ekev_music @unityinspiresprojects

Collab of the Year –

DM #ekevmusic #NissimBlack #unitybookings

@MercazDafYomi & Michael Citron presents a new track @nissimofficial aka ♥ Nissim Black – The Yomi ~ bH –

unityinspiresprojects A post shared by @unityinspiresprojects

Good 👍 work @citronfilms 🎥 – DM #unitybookings

Beautiful 😍 song 🎵 from Yosef Daniel & Mariachi Yerushalyim –

#eitzchaim #yosefdaniel DM #unitybookings

Oryahh Music – Artist/Musician/Producer – New Track – “Always There” –

– #oryahh #alwaysthere DM #unitybookings

“The Redemptive State” – Presented by @erezsafar, Monday, June 24th, 8-10 pm @ShiratDavid, Efrat. unityinspiresprojects

A post shared by @unityinspiresprojects

Feat. @eliyahu_beda, #yitzchakmeyer, @yosef.daniels.est.2021, Rabbi @MosheGersht, @rabbishlomokatz in association with @UnityInspiresProjects & @lightofinfinite –

Donations kindly encouraged – – DM #UnityBookings #ErezSafar #eligoldsmith #eliyahubeda #ym #yosefdaniel #ShiratDavid #redemptive #moshegersht #shlomokatz –

Beautiful Beyond Words holy brothers… NURIEL – #Nuriel #Visions DM #unitybookings

Personal Branding & #2020Vision – The Challenge for a Focused 2024!

Unity – Inspires – Projects 🙂

Thoughts – Creative Expression – Actions 🙂

Oneness – #oneness

#unity – #inspires – #projects

#thoughts – #creative-expression – #actions

Stay Tuned… More to Come… Join the Unity Flow…

By Eli Goldsmith – +972533175856! Unity Bookings-

Share Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter

Thanks for reading Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter! Eli is hoping to visit the UK Summer TBC & Nov 2024…Book Now – Support is needed due to the beyond-word’s unfortunate situation in Israel and globally! Click kindly  ✓Message add “For Israel War Support” as we are also collecting for the local community’s growing projects at this time of War. 

Share & Care now Unity Inspires Projects Needs Summer Support – ✓ Big Hugs to all our family & friends in the Holy Land and & Globally… #bekind #pesach2024

The Soulful Mission of Soldiers & Parents of Soldiers – Tools to Keep Strong!

United Souls – Exciting Welcome to Section 2 by Eli Goldsmith – A Journey towards Real Unification in Everyway… – Part 43 – The Israel War Real Flow, Spiritual Investment & Soulful Living!

Our oldest son is back in an intense War zone in Gaza… We needed a few days to Internalize as Parents of Soldiers our Soulful Mission with Tools to Keep Strong! 1. Visualization 2. Praying 3. Regrouping 4. Inner talk & work 5. Trust in self 6. Functionally Optimally 7. Sharing with Souls…

#gazawar #israelwar #RelationshipAdvice #tools #parentsofsoldiers

Dedicated to all the United Souls that know The Truth of their Souls and for all those that know not yet & must know. Leave a comment

United Souls Section 2 – 2024 & Onwards…

Let’s begin or rather continue with United Souls for our second section of this special intensely needed  Soulful journey… In our first section written 2020-2021, the height of that crazy time we need not name here (may such a Scam never happen again…) the need for a United Soul experience was urgent. We didn’t have the in-person contact with humanity we had grown accustomed to, we had to go either online or preferably inside to a deeper connection with the people in our circle sphere of influence. We then published with the needed general edits in the Extract format on the growing SubStack platforms 2022-3 (Link here –

Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow LetterUnited Souls …)

“Gaza War to Victory & New Shefa” – Real Kindness Podcast – Yosef Aharon & Eli Goldsmith – &

This process was completed in 42 extracts posted with our book content showcasing the current media and updates surrounding its posting. My goal is to publish the book in parts until the required support to fully publish re-edited and packaged in a way that will increase United Souls’ influence so desperately needed in the current climax. My point was to publish at least in parts no matter what. I pray that this Section 2 be written with the same Soulful goal of United Humanity through the Knowledge of the Soul and this time both sections be fully edited and published… Please reach out to make this a reality (DM/Contact until then the SubStack Extracts will continue Part 43 coming soon. The difference with Section 2 of United Souls are many… We are currently in a War in the Middle East let alone the war that has been raging in the Ukraine etc… Personally, we have had many missile attacks and terror attacks Hashem Yishmor, as well, being the parent of my oldest son who currently is serving in the IDF as a Negavist (Machine Gun Fighter for the Determined Elite Unit 101 which consisted for most of the War removing Terrorist from the Gaza Region of the Holy Land). Now the challenge is to bring the United Souls focus in a world that is talking about Civil War in the US etc… growing concern with Ai, challenging economics, distrust of government, and coordinated unrest by the so-called them, AntiSoulism is trending, and without this needed United Soul knowledge I don’t want to exist in such a climate of disunity, my soul begs for Unity, a common Human Value system, and the only place this can be revealed is the True Source – the Human Soul! Our Mission – Reveal The Soul of Yisrael and the Revelation in all its beauty in the Holy Land. Let’s take this journey together and share this light globally.

midnightrabbi_inspires A post shared by @midnightrabbi_inspires

Real Flow Together

So we enter a time where there is extra sensitivity to the flow of Divine Providence. Every day, Every way, Every place, Every person has a spark of G-dliness best described as Soul. A chance to experience the Divine. A real opportunity to truly live in the most deeply fulfilled way. To enter inward to the depths of every moment of life filled with eternal lessons, infinite wisdom, love, fear, beauty, balance, victory, humility, synergy, unification, nullification, etc… Tuning daily into the real flow takes self-awareness, spiritual wisdom, soulful living and most importantly the recognition that we are deeply united together at our source including our destination. The point is in a practical way we can live in an expanded conscious way that will be guided from our soul level. We struggle daily to experience our purpose and mission. There is so much drawing us away to escapism and avoidance of our soul purpose. We have to stay focused no matter what. Never allow ourselves to be distracted for long periods of life. Even when we need patience with the process, there is so much to accomplish, and so many different ways to develop our path that makes sense to our guides including our Soulful Values. So let’s clarify in the coming flow here our Soulful Values as this will be the foundation of our next stage of development.

Soulful Values

I realise after listening to hundreds of episodes of Joe Rogan the no. 1 Streaming Podcast that what would assist in all the long and appreciated meaningful conversations is an understanding that all the good values and wisdom come from the Soul level. The root of wisdom and understanding, including the knowledge and ability to apply these important needed values, all comes from the deep awareness within the Soul. The amazing reality is that most humans are unaware of these Soulful Sources of endless wisdom… I am happy to share these clarifications on Joe Rogan’s Podcast alongside every public space I have the good fortune to feature. Today I even got a like from Joe Rogan’s LinkedIn account (It seemed like it’s him lol) and the ability to become contacts today…  The main point is that prayer and awareness of the United Soul level of humanity will allow us ultimately to share these Soulful Values Globally. The Intensity of Hard Inner Work is the only way the Soul will shine from its Source outwards. The good news is with a broken sincere heart and good thoughts the people of Yisrael get an elevation to their higher Source Soulful Values. Let’s discuss this more…

In-Depth Soul Journey

Let’s go deep straight away. We, all humanity are Created with a G-dly soul in the Supernal G-dly image. This is our true animating force within humanity and Bnei Yisrael has a Chelek Elokai Mamal Mamesh within. This means a portion of G-d is within us and intrinsically connects us to our Source, our Purpose, our Destiny. What balances out this human experience called life as the Sefer Tanya explains is the Animal Soul animating our lower elements and drives. This gives us all free will and the inner reality is we have a struggle within. Since every human is a microcosm of the Macrocosm of creation we each impact Creation. The more consistent we are at tapping into our Soulful Source, Purpose, and Destiny the more we can shine into Creation our Divine Energy. This animates the sphere of influence around us as well as the Creation has the ability to also be elevated to our Source. The main point is to learn how to awaken our G-dly Soulful Source in our daily life. This is going to be explained, clarified, and internalized together as we go forward on our in-depth soul journey.

eligoldsmith_inspired A post shared by @eligoldsmith_inspired

We go Deeper…Investment

We have different levels to the Soul, and each human is blessed with their own unique portion and inner world. The key is to be able to go within to explore these different levels with spiritual guides and wisdom which help clarify for us all willing to go deeper. The benefits are eternal as we need to have all kinds of investments of our precious time in this world. Who doesn’t care about their bank accounts? The Physical Investment of a Healthy Lifestyle etc… The Emotional Investment of time with people, care, kindness, sincere empathy being present, etc… The Intellectual Investment of consistently learning, growing our consciousness, reviewing and internalizing wisdom with purpose, etc… The Spiritual Investment is going to be the main focus of our United Souls Journey together, so put your seat belt on as we drive faster and even be willing to let the Soul do the teaching and drive to our hopeful destination of real clarity please G-d… For this Eternal Investment, we shall need extra Heavenly help and we pray together that all our Investments in life should be Blessed…

unityinspiresprojects A post shared by @unityinspiresprojects

Unity Bookings @UnityInspiresProjects hosted by the @JLE_UK – Get Your Tickets here – – #rudyrochman #unitybookings DM to #booknow – Due to Massive Demand Rudy is Returning to UK 🇬🇧 22nd – 27th May plz 🙏 DM to Book Now…
Excited to continue to meet many of the people feat. at Biomed Israel 2023 to 24 – enjoying seeing the wonderful growing network opportunities and start-up-pavilion… #emunaip #networking #startups #biomed #israel 2024…

emunaip A post shared by @emunaip

Sefirah – Experiencing the G-dly Attributes in Time Likutei Moharan 33 4! Gaza Again & Bibi Tefilin!

Join us with The Unity Inspires Projects! Wishing all only good news – that Ty Hashem all are doing well… So intense Erev Shabbos before our Soldiers entering Gaza again… The Deep Graceful Appreciation of our Soulmate All The More So War Time!

My Soulmate ❤ 😍 tinipops613A post shared by @tinipops613


#Hallel with a #Bracha Erev Pesach Baking Matzah by The TolnaRebbe… #Yerushalyim#Chassidim Working Hard Erev Pesach #Matzahbaking … The Tolna Rebbe Rolling holes in the Matzah to come home 🏡 with 👍 👌 for Simchas Yom Tov in Efrat, Good Yom Tov, all… @midnightrabbi_inspires Happy 😊 Pesach, all. Only Blessings 🙌 of Freedom:) and True Real Nachus… #chagsomayach #rebbe #hallel #erevpesach #pesach #matzah #happydays #emuna #unityflow #UnitedSouls @UnityInspiresProject

♬ original sound – Eliezer Goldsmith

@eliezergoldsmith#Hallel with a #Bracha Erev Pesach Baking Matzah by The #TolnaRebbe… #Yerushalyim – #Chassidim Working Hard Erev Pesach #Matzahbaking … The Tolna Rebbe Rolling holes in the Matzah to come home 🏡 with 👍 👌 for Simchas Yom Tov in Efrat, Good Yom Tov, all… @midnightrabbi_inspires Happy 😊 Pesach, all. Only Blessings 🙌 of Freedom:) and True Real Nachus… #chagsomayach #rebbe #hallel #erevpesach #pesach #matzah #happydays #emuna #unityflow #UnitedSouls @UnityInspiresProject

Personal Branding & #2020Vision – The Challenge for a Focused 2024!

Unity – Inspires – Projects 🙂

Thoughts – Creative Expression – Actions 🙂

Oneness – #oneness

#unity – #inspires – #projects

#thoughts – #creative-expression – #actions

Stay Tuned… More to Come… Join the Unity Flow…

By Eli Goldsmith – +972533175856! Unity Bookings-

Share Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter

Thanks for reading Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter! Eli is hoping to visit the UK Summer TBC & Nov 2024…Book Now – Support is needed due to the beyond-word’s unfortunate situation in Israel and globally! Click kindly  ✓Message add “For Israel War Support” as we are also collecting for the local community’s growing projects at this time of War. 

Share & Care now Unity Inspires Projects Needs Summer Support – ✓ Big Hugs to all our family & friends in the Holy Land and & Globally… #bekind #pesach2024

Relationship Pesach – 2020-24 – Passover Completion – United Souls Book!

Dedicated to the real lonely Souls, soldiers & defenders of Yisrael… & Souls Globally – the United Souls that know The Truth of their Souls & for all those that know not yet. A Healthy Spring all 🙂 – With Pesach and Sefirah days already on the way… Leave a comment

Reviewing the Madness of 2020 and the beginning months of 2021!

I don’t know when your soul will encounter this book, but whenever it is, it will be a lesson that this past year of seeming madness known as the Corona Challenge can bring! Just as we hoped 2021 could be a way forward, it goes sideways with all kinds of beacons of hope! And yet there is only one hope, hope in our United Souls. We have enough universal meeting points and places of connection. How we review our journey, with our values, goals, and dreams in place. How we script our mindset and go forward together. To find those qualities of humankind that bind us all to essential truths. To bring a collaborative focus with daily projects to practically unify our souls! Anyhow, the only point of reviewing the year is to get to those moments of self-improvement. Those moments where life and family have meaning. And when life is missing meaning seemingly we penetrate deeper to see the unification that this is all sourced from and leading towards…

Revealing the ultimate unification is a dream we all should aspire for and work towards like an overarching goal of all our United Souls intentions and efforts. Every little step of positivity and growth is a great step in the process towards our completion. What do we gain from this ultimate mission? Everything and yet completion with the True Nothing that is truly the true something that is the True Everything! The choice and will to perceive and be nullified in the overall United Soul! And yet somehow our individual choice and greatness of soul can stand to glory from this Oneness. True glorification of our Creator’s name and yet intimate connection on an eternal journey beyond. To understand our hearts and eyes can truly unify and cleave to the oneness within all of creation. And the more we pray and yearn for this unified revolution the bigger the vessel and clearer this truth-filled clarification becomes. The key is to understand that all is driven by awareness and love to experience oneness. midnightrabbi_inspires

A post shared by @midnightrabbi_inspires Gedale Fenster with Updated speakers too bH

Now we realize that there is an opportunity for us more than ever to turn around this challenge to renewed relationships, goals, values, and dreams. To reawaken the feeling of being free as a bird. As the united souls stretch forth their wings and sour in song. Elevating the whole of creation to its source and yet able to retain its distinct individual gift of acquired choice. To choose life and return with clarity to those lower worlds and bring the light of clarity wherever we flow.

We get to share a very nice mention and article @jewishnews for @moshereuven – unityinspiresprojects

A post shared by @unityinspiresprojects#unitybookings – – #moshereuven #jewishnews #uktour – Unity Bookings DM @unityinspiresprojects –

Dancing and staging life away from a fearful mindset

Such a challenge in our 2020 generation where we can overcome a fearful mindset, but the system is built by media and government control to increase our anxiety and fear-mongering. My soulmate inspired many parts of this United Souls book and beyond. The concept of dancing and staging life is the key and my soulmate is a role model. She can have all kinds of inner battles and yet through pure will and determination, she creates strategic methods to empower joy and harmony in the home. Her determination to stage and dance her way out of pain and suffering is a huge step in the United Soul direction. To be a soul and to grow in the way of happiness and forgiveness. To know yourself, face yourself, and be giving to others. To stage a meal of happy times and dance. To bring people to a place of goodness and joy. To inspire others is to heal our souls. Like the 12 steps, there is a process to our healing. We have to put in the effort and hard work to acquire our soul level. This is real inner work and true dedication to our greater vision. We have this within us all to fulfill our purpose and transform this struggle into our success. We can stage our lives and dance our way through this challenging period. To face and elevate our everyday real mindset with truth and sincerity. The days we are in are filled with an increase in joy and focus, and this goes together with the voice of the soul which is ultimately always positive. To learn to listen to the true voice within is connected to a wise saying that one of my main teachers taught. We have to remove ourselves for the full revelation of Souls to come forth. Our problem generally is the ego and self which gets in the way of the divine abundance and positive unifying flow which is ready to enter our lives. Once we let go truly everything flows to a positive place. We can elevate everything to its essential goodness. It’s within us to achieve this staged living of smiling, dancing, and singing until we feel it. The power of will can achieve everything. Visualize our freedom of these souls and manifest this true spiritual expression. Wishing us all only good news and fulfillment of our dreams and creativity.

Preparing for these special days of Truth

An awakening of consciousness is beginning on these special days. Specifically when we feel so lost and out of control then is the time to truly let go and turn inside towards the United Soul level. Those people who yearn for truth and creativity are now finding new platforms and places within to achieve this United Soul experience daily. Tapping into the abundant flow that is entering the world and our lives, takes building the vessel to contain the light. Also, to keep going forward no matter what toward our goals, values, and dreams. I have just released our 3rd United Souls Collaboration Album to bring more unity globally through music. People are understanding the gift of life and sharing simple moments with family and friends. May all our Souls shine forth so we can express the voice of our Unification. To yearn and pray for this daily with all our strength. We are almost at the climax of history where we shall hear the final song in United Voices of Souls. We shall be set free from our worries and fears. The key is right now all the insights and talents needed are present. We just have to be patient with the process. Good night as this United Souls book was the next present ;).

Coming to Conclusion to only Begin Again on a Higher plane

Every time we think we have reached a climax or a point of conclusion we realize we need to begin again. This renewal is leading us onto a higher plane than where we began!l. To understand every struggle is a step in the right direction, a struggle of the United Souls! We get to think and grow in different ways! Expand our mindset and go for new opportunities in life. Write a second even clearer book, and collaborate with United Souls as a series of other authors, creatives, and influencers. To release a 3rd or 4th collaboration album, go on a trip to a new destination, join an online Zoom community, create a new piece of art or music, go on a run to begin a new day, share an inspiring post or comment. The point is to begin again with renewed optimism and start life fresh! Btw one of those ways to be renewed was to look for an editor and publisher so we could get a United Souls book out there. In the end even once we publish this first book we shall begin writing a second. All apart from keeping the process moving until 120, well it is my birthday this Sunday Purim in Jerusalem. No better day to discuss renewal than a birthday especially when mine comes on Purim in Jerusalem. The whole inner light of this special time is renewal and as the Corona Challenge reaches a Crescendo renewing from within is the true proactive healthy response! All the birthday blessings and happy Purim to Pesach to us all.

So let’s make this a global collaboration with United Souls. Everyone has their unique light and understanding about what they have to offer. We all are gifted with special abilities to achieve our unique mission. The depth of having a G-dly soul and at the same time a clear purpose in manifesting our unique soul level in creative expression. We all have the inner ability to become who we are supposed to become. Once we let go and flow with a giving focus on the other person’s needs. Now it’s time to rest before the ride gets intense. Even as I write it’s a special day called Purim in Jerusalem and we have opportunities to access higher levels of the soul. We are together on a United Soul Flow towards a greater experience of humanity. To understand that our source of humanity is the soul and our destination is the soul. We right now need to allow ourselves to experience the soul and not let this world or our ego get in the way. The Soul level will begin to manifest and we will spiritualize what is now. To understand how it’s all for the good and yet it’s all right now Created anew. On all levels, we experience the truth of reality and respect this transition of true wisdom to the daily false manifestation. We penetrated deeper and uncovered the hidden coding. The unveiling of the matrix and all forms of lower-level control. Our United Soul is infinite and yet able to be received by a physical vessel. The vessel is a gift in time. All we have to do is go ahead with an open broken heart and all works out for the good. Thank you for your time and attention. I do believe that the sooner we awaken the United Souls reality the sooner we can bring happiness to humankind in real time. So this is all worth the time to reveal the truth of United Souls Globally.

Acknowledgments for the completion of our first section 2020-21 of the United Souls Book, second section TBA… 2024…

Thank you soulmate Masha Goldsmith – @tinipops613 & our lovely growing family.

Thank you to all my larger family and friends – The Goldsmith, The Salber & The Dembovsky Family. Dedications to come which B’H will kindly cover all the costs.

Share & Care now Unity Inspires Projects Needs Kind Investment & Don’t #Passover the Support –

Thank you to all my teachers & guides, specifically the Tolna Rebbe Jerusalem, TZS Team, EmunaIP Team, & Rav Shlomo Katz with the growing community in Shirat David, Efrat. Thank you Hashem! Networking Day April 8th, 2024, in TLV at the BPIP conference – an example of the many types of seminars – “Ai Management of the #Ai Era Policy & Practice” -#BPIP #NetworkingEvent #EmunaIP #conference #TLV… emunaip

A post shared by @emunaip

ty @unityinspiresprojects #unitymarketing – We are looking forward to marketing your brand, company, organization, and program. Please WhatsApp at +972505305002 or email and let’s do #UnityMarketing together.

Happy 😊 Pesach – Good news on behalf of Nissim Black. We’d love to have him inspire and perform for your program & community.
Specifically, the main next open tour dates are for around Lag Bomer, June, Summertime, and Chanukah 2024, (filling up fast) – Exact open ready-to-go discounted dates as of now – options: 04/28-30, 05/10-11, 05/24-25 (Lag B’Omer), 05/27, 05/28, 05/29, 05/31-06/01, 06/04, 06/07-08, 07/17, 07/19-20, 07/22, 09/02, 09/03, 11/08-09, 11/11, & the dates before/after Hanukkah.
@unityinspiresprojects <- DM #NissimBlack #UnityBookings –
#happypassover #happypesach #nbteam

Parshat Shemini – by Mordecai Holtz –

Aharon & Moshe Rabbeinu HaKohen – The Zera Shimshon Weekly Class – Parshat Torah by Charles Sakkal –

Shavua Tov & Chodesh Tov – New on YouTube TZS Podcast –

Also, new on YouTube Music –

Meor Einaim – Parshat Vayikra – The Call to Gadlus to Greatness!

The Sfas Emmes- The Elders – The Root Above lights us up below. Blessed!

Rebbe Nachman Ben Simcha’s Birthday – Likutei Moharan 33 – Looking for Good & Shalom!

R Shmuel Diamond Experience of Tanya – – Purim Day in Yerushalyim!

Learning Tanya Perek 14 – The Happiness of the Beinoni!

Learning Tanya Perek 15 – Serving Hashem – The 101 Beinoni!

Learning Tanya Perek 15-16 – The Ideal Beinoni of the Baal Shem Tov zya –

Elevation @ & Simchas Before Hashem!

Pesach Preps – Don’t Passover The Real Kind Podcast – Yosef Aharon & Eli Goldsmith – UIP & JOC…

Rebbe Nachman Ben Simcha’s Birthday – Looking for Good & Shalom!

Learning Tanya Perek 16 – All In with Love & Awe!

Celebrating Focused Connection through Struggle to Success!

Start Over (Isaac Miracles) –

– re-release United Souls – #isaacmiracles #startover #unitedsouls #unitybookings –

Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow LetterUnited Souls – Join us with The Unity Inspires Projects! Only good news – is that Ty Hashem BY is doing well…

Personal Branding & #2020Vision – The Challenge for a Focused 2024!

Unity – Inspires – Projects 🙂

Thoughts – Creative Expression – Actions 🙂

Oneness – #oneness

#unity – #inspires – #projects

#thoughts – #creative-expression – #actions

Stay Tuned… More to Come… Join the Unity Flow…

By Eli Goldsmith – +972533175856! Unity Bookings-

Share Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter

Thanks for reading Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter! Eli is hoping to visit the UK Summer TBC & Nov 2024…Book Now – Support is needed due to the beyond-word’s unfortunate situation in Israel and globally! Click kindly  ✓Message add “For Israel War Support” as we are also collecting for the local community’s growing projects at this time of War. 

Share & Care now Unity Inspires Projects Needs Pesach & Don’t #Passover the Support – ✓ Big Hugs to all our family & friends in the Holy Land and & Globally… #bekind #pesach2024

United Souls by Eli Goldsmith – a Nourished Soul, Shabbat Shalom, Purim & Intimacy Beyond!

Dedicated to the real lonely Souls, soldiers & defenders of Yisrael… & Souls Globally – the United Souls that know The Truth of their Souls & for all those that know not yet. A Healthy End to Winter all 🙂 – With Spring already on the way…

The Real Kindness Podcast – Purim & Relationship Flow Edition – JOC & Unity Inspires Projects –

The Real Kindness Podcast – A Short Flow – Live Weekly – Happy Days – UIP!

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🚀✨ Exciting News! Our Home Page Just Got a Real Makeover! ✨🖥

We’re thrilled to unveil our refreshed website, thanks to a fantastic content marketer! 🌐 Explore the new look and discover seamless Unity Bookings and Unity Marketing features at their best. Check it out now: 🚀🔗 Ty Rafael Salber – #UnityInspiresProjects #WebsiteUpgrade #ExcitingChanges #MoreTBA 🖥

Good Chodesh and Good Weeks of Adar/Purim with Increased Simcha! Learning Tanya Perek 13 – Inner Struggles of the Beinoni!

The Listening with a Nourished Soul Flow

To sincerely listen to another soul a person first has to know their own soul’s voice. To know yourself and to know your soul takes a lot of inner work that hopefully the last many chapters have assisted you in some small way. The inner world is infinitely deep, complex, and yet so simple. The unity that is continued within and surrounds us all is so simple in its oneness and yet so profound in its depths. We are generally just touching on the surface of our soulful potential. However, any connection is an infinite connection, therefore, giving us moments of eternal treasures. Once we are nourishing our soul through prayer, learning, and acts of kindness we can then go outwards towards the listening Soul Flow. We have the power to bring about awesome changes. By believing in the truly awesome potential we all possess within and having the humility to see it in others we become a leader of leaders. The inner powers are often hidden under layers of history or herstory, concealing the giant within. We can transform our lives and others into an inspired emanation of divinity. To not underestimate our abilities while allowing the divine flow of providence to enter our lives, will be hugely beyond words effective and fulfilling at the same moment. We become masters of our energy use and clear with our boundaries. Simultaneously loving all those in our sphere of influence and bringing close those that seem far. To be able to be at one and yet comfortably alone. The safest place to learn the language of the soul, of values, goals, and dreams is within. The key is to focus on listening to the voice of the soul and filtering out the noise. We have this power within that needs to find expression. Be creative, unlimited, open-minded, and hearted to build a vessel for the divine flow that is renewed daily, monthly, and yearly. Every moment is a new opportunity to grow and be heard. And yet to sincerely listen as hard as it may be is worth all the blessings this shall bring. Especially at the soul level and between our soul mates. A dedicated source of love and support will nourish the souls of both partners of United Souls.

Sfas Emmes – Parshat Vayakhel & Shekalim – Unity & True Giving!

Joining Together as a Collaboration of One

Truly becoming one United Soul with humanity is going to require a lot of internal work. The safest place is from the inside to really know one’s soul and then a person can recognize another soul. With a soulful connection, we can be synergized into a global connection. To grow beyond our limitations to a larger focus. To understand that by collaborating on projects that extend our reach and to unify with our inspired talents we can create an effective approach to our intrinsic oneness. People hustling day in and day out to make ends meet. Everyone is pulling out the best cards to make success a possibility. And my dream growing up was to be a star by being a promoter of the stars! And yet I realize I am promoting United Souls, the biggest light of Creation! There ain’t anything more substantial and real than this great light that will unify all of creation and overcome the darkness of exile! To be sincere in our mission and to realize we have the perfect Soulmate and people in our lives to achieve everything we can elevate! Let us light up this planet with one love and truth. The ultimate collaboration is about to begin… we all need to learn to synergize but it’s congruent on us doing all the inner interdependence work first! We have it within us to achieve the impossible! Mission possible to love ourselves and love another soul! To care about connecting to United Souls and do something about it! To actualize oneself in real-time and make a difference! Rise above it all, to reach the soul level! To become one with our greater vision of humanity will be with a lot of humility and honesty! To be dedicated to the people we love, to love ourselves, and to share that love overflowing with energization! We got this…you got this…I got this…United Souls got this!

Learning Tanya Perek 12 – Love G-d Love Humans Beinoni Style –

Shabbat Shalom and Intimacy are beyond

Learning about spirituality is essential to achieving balance and a healthy lifestyle. Especially now in our 2020 [2024] generation where we are lacking so much on the Soul level. Just like physically and emotionally we need to be nourished and healthy-focused. So too on the spiritual level, we must nourish our soul daily. For the Jewish people, we had a revelation which is the proof of Creation and a Creator that directly involved every moment of time and existence. The 7th day of Creation is intrinsic to our weekly growth as the cycle is known by all. It’s in music, in colors, in the patterns within a rainbow, in the dimensions of a building, and the entering to experience the space within those 6 surrounding dimensions. The 7th dimension is entering the space within our homes and within our hearts and souls. The real key is to intimately enter the place beyond time and dimensions to the 8th level. This is the true source of the soul where we can renew our energy with purpose completely. The intimate moments in prayer, learning, and when we emulate our Creator in action bring down this United Soul light to elevate our life. We have this truth within and just need to work on a daily level revealing different portions of our soul. Until our soul garment is complete and we can enter Eternal bliss. Good Shabbos and Shabbat Shalom as now we know the taste of the World to come and our Ultimate intimate Unification.

Learning Tanya Perek 10 – Bnei Aliyah Unifications from the Highest to the Lowest!

eligoldsmith_inspired A post shared by @eligoldsmith_inspired

The Synergistic Journey Together

We all have done so much private work during this seemingly Challenging (in the past COVID period and) current war, and we need to work harder even now to move forward. Find new motivation when so much has been on hold and so limited physically and emotionally to connect. Yet on the United Soul level, we have never disconnected! Our souls are always bound together and journeying through this world! To understand the more we open ourselves to synergies and opportunities to truly collaborate the more we can succeed in our process of fighting our increased isolation! The technological developments are having profound effects on our relationships as are the rules of the global governments with the past pandemic and current AI effect! The forced vaccinations and completely unclear guidance from science, medical establishments, and the general democratic process. Humankind has never been challenged just to have healthy normal human connection as much as in our 2020/24 generation. We need tremendous soulful resources to remind our true selves we are all connected in our oneness. Not seeing my family and friends I grew up with, making a wedding, Bar Mitzvah 13th Birthday celebration relying on Zoom and live feeds to be the form of connecting. Is a far cry from the real in-person experience. Separated from our families and global experience of entertainment and uplifting projects. All through screens and stuck in our cities away from nature! People in some places are finding ways around this all with certain places allowing functionality and connectivity. However, still limited to those few locations the limitations and fear still exist globally everywhere. I have a dream that soon we shall Unite globally in person singing one melody full of soul and expression of love of our mutual humanity, our mutual oneness. We are all made in the image of our Creator and share so many Universal commonalities. We shall rise from this dark time of history to new heights of communication of the soul. The oppression will be transformed into revelation and vitalization. Our inner soul can guide us through this trying period. There is no other alternative than to turn to our Creator and the soul within. To pray for salvation from these restrictions from the soul with all our hearts and to live a life of Unification. Where people truly help each other and empower each other’s journey to synergy together.

The Zera Shimshon – Weekly Class – Parshat Vayakhel – Parshat Shekalim by Charles Sakkal!

Saul Blinkoff sends ❤ and appreciates the warm feedback, Hollywood next BH… #saulblinkoff #booknow #unitybookings-

Mizmor LDovid (My Shepard) – Re-Released from Together – United Souls – #mizmorldovid #shepard #rerelease #together #eligoldsmith –

Nissim Black Divriei Torah @ Yosef & Gabriella Climax Sheva Brochot Hosted by the Tritel Family RBS –

Nissim Black Tour Dates 2024. We’d love to have him inspire and perform for your program & community. Specifically, the main next open tour dates are for around Purim, Pesach, Lag Bomer, June, Summertime, and Chanukah 2024, (filling up fast) – Exact open ready to go dates as of now – options: 3/24 (only tri-state), 4/5-6 (especially West Coast), 4/8 (especially West Coast), 4/12-13, 4/24, 5/12-15, 5/28 (only tri-state), 6/4, 6/7-8, 6/10, 7/17, 7/19-20, 7/22, 8/30-31, 09/02, and the days before/after Hanukkah. DM now – #unitybookings #tour #nissimblack –

Moshe Reuven (2 million Growing Followers) – On Tour In UK 17th – 25th March flexible to add dates – Contact here now – For links that showcase recent media achievements – – standwithusA post shared by @standwithus

Check out also, You are not alone –

& “Holding up my Hands” –

Plz book for your community now… –

Unity Marketing​ – We are looking forward to marketing your brand, company, organization, and program.

Please WhatsApp at +972505305002 or email and let’s do #UnityMarketing together.

Great feedback for my Uncle Harvey Goldsmith from JLE UK 🇬🇧 last nights special event – DM Unity Bookings #unitybookings #jle #leadershipskills #harveygoldsmith –

Great news – Moshe Gersht Books are officially back in print in Israel, available at Pomerantz, and soon everywhere elsewhere God willing – 🙏 #moshegersht DM for #unitybookings – Updated site of speakers bH

Twenty One Pilots – Overcompensate (Official Video) – Branding & Production with Beat is Fire, the Message is Beyond Us –

#twentyonepilots #fans #explain? #overcompensate 😉

ממתק חמוץ מתוק…😃Moti Weiss – Bati Ledaber תהנה ❤🙈 #motiweiss –

DM #unitybookings

Yes Borchi Nafshi – Re-Release by Elyonsong – Sharing & Inspiring Music by Eliezer Kosoy from #Elyon –

Unity Bookings – Eli Goldsmith –

Brews, views and… @i24news – I24 News is back from the stunning view while enjoying our gratin dinner! Hopefully reporting only good 👍 news 🙏 #brews #views

#news #i24 makom_yafe_lecafe

A post shared by @makom_yafe_lecafe

The Stories of Chazal are the Deepest – Likutei Moharan 4-9!

Learning Tanya Perek 11 – The Rasha’s Potential – Adar 23rd!

Learning Tanya Perek 11-12 – From Potential To The Beinoni, As If!

Learning Tanya Perek 12 – Fluctuations of the Beinoni!

Learning Tanya Perek 12 – Fluctuations of the Mind & the Heart –

Tanya Perek 13 – The Real Inner Struggle of the Beinoni!

Tanya Perek 13 – The Inner Nudnik of the Beinoni!

Good Shabbos 👍 – EmunaIP Weekly Learning – Shema Healing – Nachas Ruach in All!

🍷✨ * & Present: Wine Tasting & Networking Extravaganza!* ✨🍇

Get ready for an unforgettable evening that combines the best of both worlds – intellectual exploration and exquisite wine tasting! 🌐👥

📍 *Venue:* MOJOS – Modern Bistro & Pizzeria, Queen Shlomziyon St. 1, Jerusalem Israel

🍷 *What’s in Store:* Join us for an exclusive Wine Tasting & Networking Event, where the world of Intellectual Property meets the artistry of fine wines. Here’s a glimpse of what awaits:

✨ *Curated Wine Selection:* Savor a curated selection of exceptional wines, handpicked for this unique occasion. Immerse yourself in the flavors and aromas that tell stories of vineyards from around the world.

🧠 *Intellectual Property Professionals:* Network with fellow Intellectual Property professionals, share insights and engage in thought-provoking conversations that blend the worlds of business and creativity.

👩‍🎓 *Wine Connoisseurs:* Connect with wine connoisseurs who will guide you through an educational journey, enhancing your appreciation for the art of winemaking.

🎉 *Networking Extravaganza:* Enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of MOJOS, a modern bistro & pizzeria, as you forge new connections and expand your professional circle.

📩 *RSVP Now our new networking event in TLV TBA – Click HERE:* Seize the opportunity to be part of this extraordinary evening! RSVP by emailing us at Limited spots are available, so don’t miss out!

🌐 *Embrace the Fusion:* At the intersection of Intellectual Property and fine wines, & invite you to experience an evening of discovery, connection, and celebration. Let’s toast to innovation and the finer things in life!

🍇👥 *Cheers to Intellectual Exploration and Wine Tasting Bliss!* 🥂🌟

CHECK OUT OUR UPDATED WEBSITE – – Unity Marketing – Rafael Salber… ty…

#WineTasting #NetworkingEvent #EmunaIP #JLMwines #IntellectualProperty #WineConnoisseur #BusinessAndCreativity #JerusalemEvents 🍷✨

Subscribe to our new #Substack posts on #UnitedSouls Flow –

Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter

United Souls

Join us with The Unity Inspires Projects! Only good news – as Ty Hashem BY is Home from Gaza 1 week –

Personal Branding & #2020Vision – The Challenge for a Focused 2024!

Unity – Inspires – Projects 🙂

Thoughts – Creative Expression – Actions 🙂

Oneness – #oneness

#unity – #inspires – #projects

#thoughts – #creative-expression – #actions

Stay Tuned… More to Come… Join the Unity Flow…

By Eli Goldsmith – +972533175856! Unity Bookings-

Share Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter

Thanks for reading Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter! Eli is hoping to visit the UK Summer TBC & Nov 2024…Book Now – Support is needed due to the beyond-word’s unfortunate situation in Israel and globally! Click kindly  ✓Message add “For Israel War Support” as we are also collecting for the local community’s growing projects at this time of War. 

Share & Care now Unity Projects Support – ✓ Big Hugs to all our friends Globally…

Soulmate Flow – The Second Coming of Boruch Yitzchak’s 48 hours home from the war in Gaza 2024!

Dedicated to the real lonely Souls, soldiers & defenders of Yisrael… & Souls Globally – the United Souls that know The Truth of their Souls & for all those that know not yet. Have a Healthy End to Winter all 🙂 Shovavim Tat – Spring & Purim is on the way… a comment

Good Chodesh and Good Weeks of Adar with Increased Simcha! Learning Tanya Perek 7 – Elevate the Sparks – 30th Shevat onwards…

“The Urgency of Peace & One Love” – The Real Kindness Podcast -Yosef Aharon & Eli Goldsmith – Shalom –

Time to bring the Mission Alive

So now we are clear with our Mission, and bring this alive in our daily life. We need to make our daily life more effective so that our mission is realized daily in real-time. We understood that being effective means a lot of prioritization and time management.  The source of the prioritization will always be our values, goals, and dreams, clarified in our mission statement.  Brought alive through routine analysis of what is effective and what is not. A special mystical text says a person needs to create a negative association with any distractions for their paths goals and direction. The bitterness towards these stumbling blocks like apps that waste time and effectiveness will give a person the focus needed to bring the Mission forward. The honesty with humility of how challenging this is nowadays is in itself an insight into how hard the fulfillment of our mission effectiveness will be. To be real with the hard moments and the ups with the downs. To be patient and develop the effectiveness of the time management improvements, knowing that this is a long-term goal while resisting shortcuts that compromise values. We have the moral stamina and strength from our Soul and the more we unite together to fulfill a greater mission, the more empowered we shall all be.

Learning Tanya Perek 7 – Make the 4th Klipah Brighter 29th Shevat!

Special Intro by Reuven Turks b4 Rabbi Shlomo Katz @ Shirat David bi-weekly Shiur more Understanding & ❤

Big Steps in the Real Direction of Life

We all need to clarify our purpose in this daily flow of life. The direction we take and the motivation we have brings us to our fulfillment in real time. Big steps take big courage. Finding the inner resources to do what’s needed to be done. To schedule exercise, prayer, breakfast, work, learning and family time, etc. To prioritize our flow, our loved ones, our big steps, our little steps, our choices, to choose life is the real life of Unification. To be authentic is to remain relatable, with sincerity we can communicate our message. Like Joe Rogan keeping his long-form most successful podcast authentic, all the opportunities we get to connect should be done in a normal balanced way. Our choices matter so choose truth and humility, not falsity and show-off style. Learning real wisdom over time changes a person and ultimately restores the soul. Once a person has authentically learned the truth from the soul level and is a soulful person, it becomes planted in the soul and internalized on the inner level, and like a seed it begins to take root. Eventually, this eternal truth grows and produces fruits in a person’s actions to become more soulful acting with kindness that emulates the soul’s source. In a way, we are powerless to this truth that is the foundation of all creation and all humankind. We can’t escape our destiny of the soul and the truth of eternal soulfulness will stand the test of time. With soulful consciousness and awareness, we can all unite with these authentic truths.

“The Urgency of Chesed” – The Real Kindness Podcast – Yosef Joey Aharon & Eli Goldsmith – Just One Chesed & Unity Inspires Projects!

“Emmet” on a Narrow Bridge – Tom Schiffour Feat. Rav Shlomo Katz @ Shirat David Erev Shabbos Yisro!

Fighting the False Fears and Stress

Every day we fight the inner war of fighting the fears and stress of life. The clarity comes when we realize most of the fears and stress are imagination from past traumas and struggles. However, there is a simpler strategy and that is tuning into the soul level where all is United with pure oneness and goodness. May we be blessed with this peace of mind that stems from the real truth of reality. And even if this seems ideal, we have to fight for this mindset with all our heart and will. Realizing that together we all are in a better place to fight this fear. We have inner strength when we are validated on the soul level and emotional level, and yet we are so much more than these so-called fears and stresses. We have a G-dly essence that is way beyond any struggle and challenge of this world. Our fight is about how much we believe in our G-dly soul and can proactively manifest this strength of character in our Daily life. There are fallen fears instead of awe of our Creator and the awareness of the truth that exists with unifications in all. We can overcome our obstacles with clarity. To balance our fear with love to reach the truth. Truth is the only reality left standing, the fire of truth will guide us through everything in life. May we transform a world of finite dreams into the eternal message of creative oneness from our authentic empowered United Souls in real time, going live and public.

Nesivos Shalom – Parshat Trumah – Mishkan – EmunaIP – Shirat David!

Enjoy 😊 A Special Song from the Moshav band at Shirat Dovid, Efrat…

Unity Bookings

Going Public with United Souls

So now we are comfortable with our Soul level and feel more empowered in our daily lives. We need to bring the United Soul reality to the public. People more than ever are sick of the divisive agenda narrative of our media and institutions. People are hungry for the one love that people like Bob Marley co-fought for with all their souls. People are looking for direction and success like Tony Robbins and co. We have to represent the United Souls to bring soulfulness and unity for real to people’s daily feed and life.  One of the most important parts of going Public with Soul is to appreciate other people’s successes. To even assist and support other people’s successes. This is the true Win-Win mindset and humility we should aim for. This expresses our true outlook of the United Soul. We all grow together and wish others to grow beyond. Connecting to people’s inner strengths and talents. Empowering people, collaborating with their hidden abilities and the revealed content too. The idea is to channel the chutzpah that exists in the not soulful expression and transform this energy with correct guidance toward a United Soul Goal.

Learning Tanya Perek 9 – The Inner Chabad – 13th Adar!

Unity Bookings proud to announce Wednesday Night Live at the JLE London Harvey Goldsmith CBE – DM #unitybookings #jle #leadershipskills #harveygoldsmith –

🎵 Fill the World 🌍

Levi Yitzchok Cohen | לוי יצחק כהן

DM #unitybookings

True Focus of the Intimacy Course & Relationships – 10. World Bnei Akiva Mechina Finale!

My Sunflower (Live) – 2000 flow with Joel Breyer on keys… dedicated to my soulmate –

#mysunflower #liveflow #rerelease…

The Second Coming of Boruch Yitzchak’s 48 hours home from the war in Gaza 2024!

The Real End – From Together & United Souls – Re-Release by Eli Goldsmith – #theend #together #rerelease #eligoldsmith

Learning Tanya Perek 7 & 8 – GKH, Seed & Demons 😈 – 9th Adar!

Let’s Hear Your Soulmate’s Voice & Keep Focused – 8. INTIMACY Flow 9. @WorldBneiAkiva!

Yes, my Holy Brother steps forward to share some real truths, happy to see you and BShaps & his Daily Wire empire collab more… Tom also,

– NF also, etc etc… loved the intelligent Hip Hop of Tribe Called Quest era in the 90’s, the discussion is real and so should be the collaborations! Let’s together lead the music world in the direction of Unity & Truth! #unitybookings #nissimblack #facts #benshapiro #tommacdonald #hangovergang – Musicians – Unity Bookings (

Wow I worked hard for these classes and platforms B’H –

Going Higher – Eliezer Kosoy – Re-release – Sincere Music share on…

#goinghigher #eliezerkosoy #rerelease

Listen to Torat Zera Shimshon – Weekly Classes – Parshat Mishpatim by Charles Sakkal – Shovavim –

🍷✨ * & Present: Wine Tasting & Networking Extravaganza!* ✨🍇

Get ready for an unforgettable evening that combines the best of both worlds – intellectual exploration and exquisite wine tasting! 🌐👥

📅 *Date & Time:* Monday, March 11th at 7:00 PM

📍 *Venue:* MOJOS – Modern Bistro & Pizzeria, Queen Shlomziyon St. 1, Jerusalem Israel

🍷 *What’s in Store:* Join us for an exclusive Wine Tasting & Networking Event, where the world of Intellectual Property meets the artistry of fine wines. Here’s a glimpse of what awaits:

✨ *Curated Wine Selection:* Savor a curated selection of exceptional wines, handpicked for this unique occasion. Immerse yourself in the flavors and aromas that tell stories of vineyards from around the world.

🧠 *Intellectual Property Professionals:* Network with fellow Intellectual Property professionals, share insights and engage in thought-provoking conversations that blend business and creativity.

👩‍🎓 *Wine Connoisseurs:* Connect with wine connoisseurs who will guide you through an educational journey, enhancing your appreciation for the art of winemaking.

🎉 *Networking Extravaganza:* Enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of MOJOS, a modern bistro & pizzeria, as you forge new connections and expand your professional circle.

📩 *RSVP Now – CLICK HERE:* Seize the opportunity to be part of this extraordinary evening! RSVP by emailing us at Limited spots are available, so don’t miss out!

🌐 *Embrace the Fusion:* At the intersection of Intellectual Property and fine wines, & invite you to experience an evening of discovery, connection, and celebration. Let’s toast to innovation and the finer things in life!

🍇👥 *Cheers to Intellectual Exploration and Wine Tasting Bliss!* 🥂🌟

#WineTasting #NetworkingEvent #EmunaIP #JLMwines #IntellectualProperty #WineConnoisseur #BusinessAndCreativity #JerusalemEvents 🍷✨

Subscribe to our new #Substack posts on #UnitedSouls Flow –

Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter

United Souls

Personal Branding & #2020Vision – The Challenge for a Focused 2024!

Unity – Inspires – Projects 🙂

Thoughts – Creative Expression – Actions 🙂

Oneness – #oneness

#unity – #inspires – #projects

#thoughts – #creative-expression – #actions

Stay Tuned… More to Come… Join the Unity Flow…

By Eli Goldsmith – +972533175856! Unity Bookings-

Share Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter

Thanks for reading Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter! Eli is hoping to visit the UK Summer TBC & Nov 2024…Book Now – Support is needed due to the beyond-word’s unfortunate situation in Israel and globally! Click kindly  ✓Message add “For Israel War Support” as we are also collecting for the local community’s growing projects at this time of War. 

Share & Care now Unity Projects Support – ✓ Big Hugs to all our friends Globally…

Challenging Cold Days in Khan Yunis and the holy land – Keep Strong, Kindness Brings Moshiach!

Dedicated to the real lonely Souls, soldiers & defenders of Yisrael… & Souls Globally – Full Post here – Have a Healthy Rest of Winter all 🙂 Shovavim – Spring

“Chesed brings Mashiach” – The Real Kindness Podcast – Yosef Aharon & Eli Goldsmith- JOC & UIP 🙂

Story of War in Israel – in front of my NW London family!

Return Again – Rav Shlomo Katz and the Moshav band in Efrat – Unity Inspires Projects – – Important to share and focus –

Full Post here –

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Kosher Music 🎶 & Talmud 2024 Thread of Kindness Likutei ✨ Moharan 3 😁 –

Intimacy with Ourselves and Beyond

To understand the inner realms of our soul we have to learn ourselves better. Constantly rethinking our mindset, understanding our emotions, and at the end of the day not taking ourselves too seriously as we have an infinite spark of joy waiting to express these truths. When we are able to go beyond ourselves we can truly be intimate with someone else. One of the keys we learn from Shovavim is everything has a time, place, and person aka soul flow. We have to learn how to open ourselves to this new reality of the oneness of United Souls. To not allow the darkness and confusion of our troubled generation to allow us to lose focus. We all have the ability within ourselves to truly be intimate with our soulmate. To be fully present and one. To understand Unifications exist in every moment of creation. That every moment of time is a creation and as dark as times seem, there are bright places within that intimate connection of oneness. This brings us to a whole other level of nothingness and oneness. I won’t paraphrase the teachings of Rav Manis Friedman and the Sefer Tanya, but this focus brings us to a clarity of oneness and strength toward truthful intimate moments with our loved ones. This going beyond is the path of the intimate United Souls.

The Goal in Mind with the Value at Heart

Our next step is to build our mission statement. To know our goals with the end in mind, and the values of heart in terms of what to do with our life mission. Preparing ourselves for a true future where we live up to our goals and values. These are all rooted in the soul level. To know the truth of a person is to understand their value system and ability to impact each other during daily life. Our main goal is simply United Souls. Our developed mission statement includes practical steps to get there. This will also include communal and company mission statements, and even more importantly family mission statements. With a clear universal vision and goal in mind, we all can work towards daily achievements and steps towards the mission statement fulfillment. This will help us all personally and universally work with accountability and honesty. With daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly assessments we shall consistently find a true path to success. Our relationships will become more enhanced and our businesses will flourish. By believing in our ability to impact and bring change by living aligned with the Creation’s mission statement we manifest the ultimate unification.

What is the Creations Mission Statement?

I know the Torah and 10 commandments are the true guiding principles and yet simply put here it’s all unified in United Souls. I have the merit to give a course and connect globally online with United Souls! Weekly I get the opportunity to give a class online to 1000s of souls and yet the interactive aspect is best. The interactive option of communication is what the Creation mission statement is all about. A real relationship with the Creator and Creation. Oneness and United Souls in real-time. Real conversation between us and the Creator. The Creator always is talking to us.  The more we think and are in love the more this special Divine Providence of love and kindness envelops us. The more we get ourselves out the way the more the kindness of our Creator can become one with our true will to be one with our Creator. Then all of Creation follows in the evolutionary process of becoming Unified. However, to achieve this awesome goal we have to start with the day-to-day application by writing down our goals and values. Internalizing by an intense contraction of light and inspiration to a clear Mission Statement. To continue to pray and meditate on the source level of the soul of values. And to ultimately manifest a person of light, love, and fulfillment. May we merit all this good and happy truth.

Zera Shimshon Bloopers..

Please check out 32:00 mins into Rav Shlomo Katz’s class – *light 😊 mamesh…* Ty Rav Shlomo – PLEASE KEEP🙏 PRAYING FOR BORUCH YITZCHAK BEN MASHA AND ALL THE SOLDIERS OF YISRAEL 🙏

Hi 👋 , good day! I hope your 2024 is off to a great start. I wanted to thank you again for hosting my artists and speakers like Nissim Black in the past and see if there’s an opportunity to bring him back to your community again in the new year. Here are Nissim’s discounted dates so far: 02/22, 02/25, 03/23, 03/26-27, 04/01-04/04, 05/22, 05/27, 06/05, 06/7-8, 06/10, 08/30, 09/02, plus the days before/after Hanukkah. Purim [03/24 (Tristate only) & 03/25] and Lag B’Omer [05/24-25 & 05/26] are also available but full price. Please let me know if you have any questions or requests and thank you so much for your time & support!

author – Saul Blinkoff-Life Of Awesome! on Instagram: “Hollywood professionals possess influential platforms that can amplify important messages for humanity. Ultimately, Hollywood professionals have the RESPONSIBILITY to contribute significantly by advocating for causes that align with the values of humanity.
100 days later, 136 innocent women, men, children and a baby are still being held in captivity by terrorists.
Speak up for humanity… make your voice known! #BringThemHome #BringThemAllHome #BringHershHome #BringNaamaHome #BringNoaHome #BringBibasBack #StandWithUs #100days #makeyourvoiceheard #makeyourvoiceknown

JANUARY 16, 2024

Saul Blinkoff – Living a Life of Awesome – Unity Bookings DM – – #saulblinkoff #awesomelife #booknow

Happy to Share a New Unity Marketing Opportunity I’m Consulting with – – Check out our Main Marketing Page… Kindly Follow – and Share on…

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Follow and Share plz our growing Unity Flow Podcast –

Daveed Levy a new exciting artist is now Unity Booking – DM #daveedlevy #newartist #booknow #unitybookings – – For Daveed’s links –

Pre-Game for Stories of Kindness & Where Does Victory Begin? “Real Chesed” Podcast – Eli Goldsmith!

😉 Nekuda Tova Good Points – Azamra & Special Yahrtzeit’s – LM282

Be a Beinoni – Daily Tanya Summarised Weekly – 5. Inner Truths @ Ben Gurion Airport!

The NW London Breslov Crew discusses Israel – Sample of Songs, Sichas Chaverim, & Rabbeinu Nachman!

“The Real War & Peace” The Boys Clubhouse In London – Feat. Eli G & J B – UnityInspireProjects!

What is Real Kindness? What is “Winning” Yosef Aharon – JOC-UIP!

Real Important to Focus on the Good Points & Sing – Azamra Elokai BOdi – Likutei Moharan 282 –

Be a Tzaddick Benoni – Daily Tanya Summarised Weekly – 6. Real Service from Jerusalem –

Review Time is Crucial 7. 100 days of War – The Intimacy Course World Bnei Akiva!

Kosher Music & Learning 5784 Thread of Kindness – Likutei Moharan 3 (includes all parts)

Kosher Music & the Talmud – A 2024 5784 Rav, Friend & Merit Likutei Moharan 3!

So Good Gavriel New Album –

DM #unitybookings

Finally heard from my oldest son 🙌 in Kaan Yunis through the army doctor bH all is good there…. sent some biblical footage as R Shlomo said, beyond words videos of Kabbalat Shabbat together with his unit, sharing his yarmulka, using a Arab cap, etc all beyond words, PLEASE KEEP🙏 PRAYING FOR BORUCH YITZCHAK BEN MASHA AND ALL THE SOLDIERS OF YISRAEL 🙏

101 Days – Another week of gifts from our Chareidi Friends in Yerushalyim for the parents of the Soldiers… only good news…

Subscribe to our new #Substack posts on #UnitedSouls Flow –

Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter

United Souls

Personal Branding & #2020Vision – The Challenge for a Focused 2024!

Unity – Inspires – Projects 🙂

Thoughts – Creative Expression – Actions 🙂

Oneness – #oneness

#unity – #inspires – #projects

#thoughts – #creative-expression – #actions

Stay Tuned… More to Come… Join the Unity Flow…

By Eli Goldsmith – +972533175856! Unity Bookings-

Share Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter

Thanks for reading Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter! Eli is hoping to visit the UK Summer TBC & Nov 2024…Book Now – Support is needed due to the beyond-words unfortunate situation in Israel and globally! Click kindly  ✓Message add “For Israel War Support” as we are also collecting for the local community’s growing projects at this time of War. 

Share & Care now Unity Projects Support – ✓ Big Hugs to all our friends Globally…

Our Oldest Son Special Few Days with our Family & Back to Gaza!

Get #Antisoulism Trending Please! Dedicated to the real lonely Souls, soldiers & defenders of Yisrael… & Souls Globally – United Souls that know The Truth of their Souls & for all those that know not yet. Have a Healthy Rest of Winter all 🙂 Leave a comment

Just Love Them (feat. Joey Newcomb) – Re-Release United Souls Music – Ty Hashem & Ty Joey & all… #unitedsouls #joeynewcomb #tyhashem #justlovethem –

Happy New You

As we approach the happy new general year of 2021 (now approaching 2024) and say goodbye to a challenged 2020 Visioned year the most important clarification is to be the happy new you. We need to learn to appreciate our good points and build from there. To train our thoughts to appreciate the strengths and talents we are gifted. To focus ourselves on being more happy and bringing that happiness to others. Once we are overflowing with joy then we can truly unite with the people in our sphere of influence. To elevate our relationships together by growing with real inner work. To truly care for the people that the universe our Creator brings us into our precious lives. That everything has exact divine Providence, especially our relationships between souls. The realization that we are all United Souls with daily meditation and or prayer on this important path gives us the strength of soul to fulfill our focus on the heart of people. To get to know what people are truly saying and needing. To find our happy new you is to flow and be true.

SOUL – Soothing Omnipotent Unconditional Love

On an online Community on Zoom, hosted by Jeff Pulver, a person kindly shared a deep lesson –   SOUL – Soothing Omnipotent Unconditional Love! Part of the journey of the soul is to share the inspiration with the larger United Souls experience! Let’s analyze the acronyms Soothing – being a balm to others, Omnipotent – sourcing oneself back to the true eternal force, Unconditional – having a purpose beyond the self, Love – learning to truly give to others, especially your soul mate! The selfless focus is a United Soul approach of going beyond one limitations and needs a greater way of thinking for real life! We can go beyond ourselves and our own personal needs! To truly serve others with boundaries and compassion! The path of the soul is to deeply understand in a real United Way how we are all really one soul! So to live a life of service is to live a life of truth! I was asked to discuss today at our community’s meeting with much gratitude on New Year’s Eve what I have learned from 2020 and how I am going to recharge for 2021! So my simple answer was finding the discipline and passion to express my personal brand and mission in writing this book United Souls! People were so encouraging and even reached out with this beautiful concept of SOUL! Also, the recharging aspect we mentioned previously is the disconnect to reconnect with the holy Sabbath aka Shabbat! This special Shabbos happens to be called Shabbos Chazak where we finish the first book of the Torah called Bereshit aka Genesis! We celebrate this achievement by saying Chazak 3 times at the completion! Chazak means to be strong and this form of encouragement is needed more than ever. It’s also a preparation for a special gift in time known as Shovavim which we shall explain shortly! The main connecting point is that the Soul has a mission beyond the Self and yet to recharge is to quiet the noise of distractions just to be present truly with United Souls!

Shovavim is a unified gift in time

Finding the truth and revealing the secrets that are available within time will help us connect to a deeper, more fulfilling experience that ultimately will bring us to an elevated life. Shovavim is an acronym of 6 weeks connected to the Torah readings of Shemos, Vayera, Bo, Beshalach, Yisro, and Mishpatim. (This year is a leap year so includes Tat = Parshat Trumah and Tezavei). This is the story of servitude in Mitzrayim aka Egypt where a people chosen to bring the message of Unification through transforming physical to spiritual, darkness to light, slavery to freedom. A journey from cruelty to merciful revelation with eternal messages so relevant to our times. The revelation of clarity is practical guidance for times. We all need to elevate our mindset and mission to a higher awareness. With an understanding from Shovavim, we can live more inspired and focused. Within these days a great awareness of self is apparent, a gift in the colder darker months of the year when no festivals of ancient days are present to brighten our challenged experience of life. So within this mystical journey is the redemptive spirit of humanity. We can tune into this gift in time and learn the path of unification of United Souls. There are many details on how to do this and will begin to explain.

True love comes from Focused Giving 

Important to understand that to be a giver and love a person like our soulmate comes together with focused dedication. This isn’t something that generally will come naturally and shouldn’t be worked on. We all know from experience that relationships take a lot of hardcore self-work to become more selfless. To sincerely compliment and build our soulmate daily with kind words literally will empower them and send them in the true direction of our relationships. We all have this truth within and can ultimately get it together through determination. Let’s keep focused on the person in front of us elevating ourselves to United Souls. This connection needs to be built with kindness and dedication. A daily focus on values, commitment, communication and really listening. In our intimate life, we have so many distractions to dissuade us from truly uniting. To reach intimacy a person needs to gather all his or her will to be totally focused and selfless. Maybe, this sounds too ideal, but if intimacy doesn’t work out that’s a huge loss on the foundation of a relationship. A real relationship is worth all the hardship, seemingly pain-filled, but truly filled with purpose. The power of soul mates is beyond impactful, to bring unity in the world of division is even more profound than we can imagine.

New Updated Website <- Click Here!

A Personal request to Join Together Creating a Unity Song for – – DM


A Personal request to Join Together Creating a #UnitySong for – DM @UnityInspiresProject #music #israeli #unitybookings #Justonechesed @Justonechesed Unity Marketing​ – We are looking forward to marketing your brand, company, organization, and program. Please WhatsApp at +972505305002 or email and let’s do #UnityMarketing together.

♬ original sound – Eliezer Goldsmith

@eliezergoldsmith A Personal request to Join Together Creating a #UnitySong for – #tyHashem – DM @UnityInspiresProject #music #israeli #unitybookings #Justonechesed @Justonechesed Unity Marketing​ – We are looking forward to marketing your brand, company, organization, and program. Please WhatsApp at +972505305002 or email and let’s do #UnityMarketing together.

unityinspiresprojects A post shared by @unityinspiresprojects

New Nissim Black Great Chanukah 2023 Tour pics 📸 on my Status DM for Unity Bookings Nissim Black with co new dates Jan/Feb/Pesach/Lag Bomer/Chanukah 2024 – DM #unitybookings #nissimblack

Hard needed Fire Westide got to get this one global…

Happy to Share a New Unity Marketing Opportunity I’m Consulting with – – Global patent filing made simple.

Check out our Main Marketing Page… Kindly Follow – and Share on…

Saul Blinkoff – Living a Life of Awesome – Unity Bookings DM – – #saulblinkoff #awesomelife #booknow

Noam Meghnagi first official release, “It’s Just You and Me” – soon we hope to be announcing Noam (my nephew) will be Unity Booking 🙂 till then share on – #noammeghnagi #unitymusic –

Daily Tanya – Summarised Weekly – For David Jerome’s Teaching Tanya daily – Listen to #DavidJerome Teaching By The #BaalHaTanya by #Torah from #Efrat – 🙏 listen 🎶 to Daily Tanya – 5 Teves 5784 – pt 1 Chapter 6a by David Jerome on #SoundCloud A new learning session ✨️ promotional support towards the existing Tanya learning at Shirat David – 😀, we shall continue Sunday (only weekly) new time TBA @ Shirat David… the daily lessons – “Be a G-dly Soul”…

Yosef Aharon & Eli Goldsmith’s first official podcast together ❤ – #RealChesed aka #RealKindness – #YosefAharon & #EliGoldsmith 🤝 & #Podcast!

Care vs Codependency

2 – Gevura:

Boundaries vs Control

3 – Tiferet:

Self-Worth vs Egoism

4 – Netzach:

Assertiveness vs Aggression

5 – Hod:

Agreeability vs Insecurity

6 – Yesod:

Relationship vs Entanglement

7 – Malchut:

Vulnerability vs Weakness👐

Follow & Share this link to join Our Unity WhatsApp group:

So good… Alex Clare’s beyond voice so complemented by the Ghoori bro’s talented harmony…

Let’s go Unity Bookings… Musicians – Unity Bookings ( <-

Re-Releasing all United Souls Music – Also, Eliezer Kosoy’s Music – “Lift up Your Hands 🙌🏿 to Kedusha” –

Beautiful Real Song Together to Face Pain & Heal… @alexclare voice amazing with @Shulem – – Let’s go #unitybookings #alexclare #healingvoice – Musicians – Unity Bookings (

Subscribe to our new #Substack posts on #UnitedSouls Flow –

Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter

United Souls

Personal Branding & #2020Vision – The Challenge for a Focused 2024!

Unity – Inspires – Projects 🙂

Thoughts – Creative Expression – Actions 🙂

Oneness – #oneness

#unity – #inspires – #projects

#thoughts – #creative-expression – #actions

Stay Tuned… More to Come… Join the Unity Flow…

By Eli Goldsmith – +972533175856! Unity Bookings-

Share Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter

Thanks for reading Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter! Eli is hoping to visit the UK mid-winter on Jan 7th – 11th 2024 – Support is needed due to the beyond-words unfortunate situation in Israel and globally! Click kindly  ✓Message add “For Israel War Support” as we are also collecting for the local community’s growing projects at this time of War. 

Share & Care now Unity Projects Support – ✓ Big Hugs to all our friends Globally…

Unification focus helps us Redeem the Hostages, a War of True Relationships!

On our beaches in Gaza, BY is happy to finally get a permitting phone call even if short his smiles 😃 keep us all hopeful ☺ bH ❤ Please keep🙏 praying for Boruch Yitzchak Ben Masha and all the defenders of Yisrael 🙏

Dedicated to the real lonely Souls, soldiers & defenders of Yisrael… & Souls Globally – the United Souls that know The Truth of their Souls & for all those that know not yet. Have a Healthy Protected Happy Chanukah all 🙂 Leave a comment

Thank you 😊 for everyone’s emotional #support during this challenging 6 weeks… Unification focus helps us Redeem the Hostages, only #Comfort – Share your #Relationship #Flow

Determined to be Interdependent

A strong will for the real truth! Not just to follow what others are doing! But to develop an independence that leads to real physical, emotional, spiritual, and most challenging it seems, towards supposed financial freedom! We all hope for this but true independence includes a dependency on our Creator and constant Provider! Once we understand that we are truly interdependent needing in our Creator, Creation, and Universal Flow, we have the true knowledge to choose the eternal path of hope, purity, and development! Everyone has a mutual contradiction within that can only be resolved on the soul level! We exist and yet are sourced from nothing! The nothing we are sourced from is the true something, this True something that we perceive as nothing is ultimately the True existence and our connection including nullification to the True Creator is our only path to freedom! We can live with this contradiction with the clarity the United Soul level opens our minds and hearts too! Then we can communicate this wondrous, miraculously uplifting journey together! With the will powered from our inner truth we can achieve everything and join both independently from all, and yet be dependent on the true source of all of Creation Always! Let us develop this true will towards connection that will be freedom on all levels of our existence ultimately! Something very realistic to work towards if understood from the Souls vision!

Waiting for the Messiah aka Moshiach

We are at a transitional time historically and people are in desperate need of salvation! So many people are going through personal struggles beyond words. I’m not lacking in vulnerability and the will to speak truth almost at all costs, however, the ideal of Shalom with the bringing of unified change must guide our spirit. The days of the Messiah aka Mashiach are for sure approaching and people want the answer to this question ASAP. On a deep level told in our mystical texts there is a time within the next 220 years that the Messianic 7th thousand millennium must begin known as the day of Eternal Shabbat aka Sabbath. To keep this concept relatable and universal we all yearn for a final redemption as a step away from our pain and confusion. We are all blessed with so much good with the gift of life and time to experience a moment of love and struggle. And yet many of us lack the ability to see how we all go ahead in our daily lives, as we seem to face so much adversity, and the hardest part is the info online seems to be so agenda-driven. The Coronavirus has been an opportunity on some level to Unify as Souls, physically and socially distanced the only solution is the Soulful connection. The truth of Moshiach is an awakening from within. The ability to inspire healing, real awareness, understanding, wisdom, and knowledge. We are all in essence Souls and we all contain a Messianic spark within our Souls. This is a real statement explained in Sefer Tanya and brought alive by one of the most active movements towards revealing the Messianic days of Chabad. A group that’s led United Souls both spiritually and literally, and personally helps me learn much about the kindness and love of the Soul. The complete picture will be revealed very soon, we have to take the steps forward to have this revealed from within and not listen to the voices preventing the revelation.

Real Developments in the Educational Field

Working out how to bring out the United Soul level in the next generation is a huge challenge. Seeing the externalization of our lifestyle and loss of inner focus, how can we educate others when we ourselves are somewhat lost? Developing the right educational approach for our generation will need the right guidance and role models. Thankfully there are in every generation people of the soul. There are also many people who understand both professionally and instinctively how to create boundaries that aid educational goals. The love, joy, and kindness of the soul all are true attributes that give nourishment needed daily to our 2020 Children.  The acceptance and awareness that their potential and reality within is leading eternally to tremendous nachus and time together more than worth investing. As mentioned before, the emotional bank account developed within children is beyond value. The role model example of focused truth in all we do brings us to become key teachers ourselves, not just the programs we send them to. With much prayer, belief in ourselves, belief in ourselves, and belief in the beautiful pure potential of the soul to elevate everything in this world, we can go ahead with the generations to come seeing the revelation of United Souls in all its blessings.

However, tuning into the United Souls of the next generation is not as easy a task as it sounds. There are many Obstacles to fully connect. The internet is possibly the biggest struggle to connect legitimately to the next generation, yet the internet holds the key in some ways. The wonder of Creation is that this seemingly human-made creation is really all a vessel for the light of United Souls. As we learn from the current festival of light a little bit of light dispels a lot of the darkness. Or an even deeper purpose of Creation to transform the darkness into light. In this reference, connecting to the next generation is as hard as this mission seems, but using all the supposed dark-filled internet to transform relationships into a connection filled with love and light is a huge mission beyond words. Let’s try a few practical examples to make the United Soul mission a little easier, but will need its own new focused chapter to explain clearly.

My oldest son Bys unit started sending from last week at the end of the week a quick video of pics – 📸 It’s such a Simcha just to see a picture I found him (wify) – I took screenshots so I could home in and see – Please keep🙏 praying for Boruch Yitzchak Ben Masha and all the defenders of Yisrael 

midnightrabbi_inspires A post shared by @midnightrabbi_inspires


Saul Blinkoff – Living a Life of Awesome – Unity Bookings DM – – #saulblinkoff #awesomelife #booknow

@eliezergoldsmithSpecial Breathing, Learning & Singing Event at #shiratdavid #efrat, #moshe, #rabbi #ShlomoKatz & #yosefkarduner #specialguests #Toronto #mishkan #avraham #letsgo #BringThemHome #unitedsoul @UnityInspiresProject

Still some open spots around the Nissim Black #Chanukah Tour 2023… DM now… Click here – Musicians – Unity Bookings ( Oryahh too…

Open to Pesach Bookings to – Speakers, Creatives, Mentalist, Comedians, and beyond – Even Eli Goldsmith himself – Book here – Speakers, Mentalist, Comedian, & Creatives – Unity Bookings (

@eliezergoldsmithBeyond words 🙂 #goodweek #NissimBlack concert #nissimofficial #yeshivatreishit Motzai #Shabbaton 😀 @UnityInspiresProject DM for Unity Bookings Nissim Black new dates Jan 2024 – DM #unitybookings #nissimblack #oryahh #letsgo #team

How are you all doing, the good news is Alex Clare is in the middle of Touring the US for about 5 weeks or so. BH – Alex still has some openings for some exciting speaking opportunities and he’s even open to performing a few songs acoustically, for a full concert he will be available end of Nov/Dec time… Book now as times fill up…

Please let us know if your program or community is interested – DM Eli – #UnityBookings #AlexClare #USTour #onlygoodnews #keeppraying #theholyland…

Close to home 🏡 world is changing 🙂 working with Alex Clare –

Mikey Greenblatt is a growing top-level-headed comedian.

Mikey has performed all over the country, he is 1/3rd of the popular Jsketch Jewish comedy group and won the New York City Shennanigans comedy competition. He uses a mix of religious and secular humor to form a unique brand of comedy! “As seen on Kill Tony and Secret Show Winner” 😉 Please reach out direct for some of his top sessions… #unitybookings #mikeygreenblatt #booknow DM – booking up already for Pesach…

Dedicated last pic sent from my son almost 4 weeks ago (no direct contact still) to Please keep🙏 praying for Boruch Yitzchak Ben Masha and all the soldiers of Yisrael – Please support now🙏 rapid response ty or send now will get to needed people directly…

Sponsor –… COME SUPPORT THE SOLDIERS – hosted @CharlesSakkal  @justonechesed3578  Unity Song TBA… Ty Hashem…

Shalom (Peace) by Eli Goldsmith re-released (long story) – Happy to Remix, plz DM…

United Souls – Simcha Jerusalem song re-released 🎵 – a long story ♥-

I would love to create a remix dedicated to all the soldiers and victory ✌ 🙌 DM plz…

Shalom Bayit aka Covenant of the Bris and Nekuda Tovah aka Good Points – LM 87 part 2 & Famous 282!

Happy to keep sharing an Important Unity Focused Article I had the honor to feature in, please keep sharing and click with support the links posted within…

One time I had the honor to share my vision at Shirat David of למען שמו באהבה which I had on the darkest beach in the UK, running along during a storm singing Hinei Ma Tov, etc… it was a vision of us all family and friends together in light and Love – this motivated my whole teshuva and Aliyah… the anger is to be channeled that this true beautiful vision of our soon to be nowadays of Moshiach shouldn’t be ruined in any way by our blood and tears… only our enemies shall perish… amen… only love Yosef and all… #unitedsouls

New needed Unity Focused song from Assaf Harush – Unity Bookings – now live… DM #assafharush #unitybookings #nofear #newtrack –

ABBA ABBA SAVE ME הצילני The Song of Bnei Yisrael’s war cry

TYH Nation Presents Hatzileini | הצילני DJ Farbreng ft. Lazer & Moshe Storch + Pinchas Deutch & Nekuda Tova

Happy to share this “Um Yisrael Chai” Unity Inspires Projects – – Unity 🤝 Song 🎵 TBA together for #victory ✌️… #tyhashem #justonechesed

Subscribe to our new #Substack posts on #UnitedSouls Flow –

Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter

United Souls

Personal Branding & #2020Vision – The Challenge for a Focused 2024!

Unity – Inspires – Projects 🙂

Thoughts – Creative Expression – Actions 🙂

Oneness – #oneness

#unity – #inspires – #projects

#thoughts – #creative-expression – #actions

Stay Tuned… More to Come… Join the Unity Flow…

By Eli Goldsmith – +972533175856! Unity Bookings-

Share Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter

Thanks for reading Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter! Eli is hoping to visit the UK mid-winter on Jan 7th – 11th 2024 – Support is needed due to the beyond-words unfortunate situation in Israel and globally! Click kindly  ✓Message add “For Israel War Support” as we are also collecting for the local community’s growing projects at this time of War. 

Share & Care now Unity Projects Support – ✓ Big Hugs to all our friends Globally…

Unity and Friendship to Victory Flow by Mummy and Son!

Dedicated to the real lonely Souls, hostages to be returned, soldiers & defenders of Yisrael… & Souls Globally – Subscribe now – the United Souls that know The Truth of their Souls & for all those that know not yet. Have a Healthy Protected Winter all 🙂

Happy to Share an Important #unity-focused Article I had the honor to feature in, please share and click with support the links posted within… 

Thank you The Jewish News, Michelle Rosenberg, Harvey Goldsmith & family, Nissim Black & Team, Just One Chesed, & all the talented #unitybookings Eli Goldsmith friends… Leave a comment

midnightrabbi_inspires A post shared by @midnightrabbi_inspires

United Souls at War – 2. End in Mind – World Bnei Akiva – Intimacy Unity Flow!

Having Friends who totally relate

Thankfully we have soul connections with people who are close to us. We bond in deep ways and build friendships that last the test of time. Recently at a wedding and other such times of reunion of the souls, the glimpse into the soul connection is most obviously profound. We bond in a real way and find moments of space within life to reconnect and catch up with those loved friends of old. Even with all the distances created by Corona we still intrinsically bond and connect. We know where we left off in our last conversation and move a step forward with an enlightened growth mindset. It says in the Ethics of our Fathers that we have to buy ourselves a friend. This demonstrates the beyond-value reality of a true friend. To bond and discuss deep parts of the soul, to be comfortable in hard times being real, to seek kindness and give kindness to those we love. We are all on this road of souls constantly touching base with all kinds of special souls, some more profoundly affecting our flow. The strong relationship that can affect our mind and heart most importantly we are healing, loving, and connecting to our soul mate in an intimate way no one else will know. This privacy of creation within a connection is one of the deepest secrets of the soul. Let’s bring this United Souls reality to the forefront of consciousness. This begins and is required by all soul-searching people and projects. We can grow and achieve our purpose. We just got to hang in when the tough gets tougher, we get going and United souls in friendship will stand eternally.

The Lit Up Unification

As we enter the time of the Festival of Lights aka Chanukah together, being a part of the 2020 generation, we have the opportunity to transform darkness into light. The Corona Challenge has brought us to deep realizations, spiritual growth, emotional healthiness, physical balance, and preparing ourselves for the Ultimate Unification. This is mentioned many times in the Torahs of the Baal Shem Tov. It’s all about bringing the inner light from the 19th of Kislev, a festival of the Chassidic Mystical Revelation, towards times of Joy aka Simcha, and our United Souls towards an Intrinsic Belief aka Emuna filled happier Lit Up life. We wish each other happy holidays, good weekends, etc and happy Chanukah, but the ultimate unification takes place from within. A place beyond space and time. The realms of the Soul, the journey of the determined search for truth no matter what. We have this calling within us all and to ignore our inner true soul voices is missing the whole point of our Creation. May we all enter this realm of soul to truly unify every aspect of our lives.

How are you all doing, the good news is Alex Clare will be Touring the US for about 3-5 weeks beginning next week. BH – Alex still has some openings for some exciting speaking opportunities and he’s even open to performing a few songs acoustically, for a full concert he will be available end of Nov/Dec time…

Please let us know if your program or community is interested – DM Eli – #UnityBookings #AlexClare #USTour #onlygoodnews #keeppraying #theholyland…

The Power of Friends to Generate Unity

During a time of essential family development, the power of friends is very literal. The power of connection is not to be underestimated. We have the love, passion, and warmth to bring about lasting changes in our relationships. We have to tune into the joy created by the mutual gatherings of soul and connection. By the openness of having the vulnerability to share real struggles in marriage, in friendships, and all we do. This allows for a real sincere strengthening in our ability to listen, learn, bond, and rejoice. We have this light of the United Soul within, however, when it manifests outside it creates a sincere Unification unique and yet necessary. We need transformation, fear will generally only hold us back, and boldness to communicate will bridge divides. Then we can manifest these inner truths in practical daily interactions, and the true mission of our soul becomes alive. We attract blessings by building vessels through peaceful approaches to all our interpersonal relationships. We do kindness and the kindness shines back at us. The world is changing towards our thoughtfulness and will. We are game changers and yet need people with other kinds of aspects of Creation to complete our daily charts. We can’t do this alone and yet somehow the moments of peace alone make space for the most creative forms of creation. The United Flow and our ability to connect with love are growing.

“Hi all, I made this poster to go into a gym that trains guys for the army… I think it would be nice to send it out to all the soldiers we know to help hide them Chizuk. Hashem should protect us all.” Charles Sakkal  @TheZeraShimshon  The weekly Class begins with the weekly Dedications & Stories of Salvations in Hebrew – Email your dedications –

Behold I take it upon myself – To continue the everlasting love and unity – That is present amongst my people today!

Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, And forever… by R Shlomo Katz…

Good Chodesh – חודש טוב #unitedsouls –

Please 🙏 Pray for Boruch Yitzchak Ben Masha going into Gaza now and all the defenders of Yisrael 🙏- Pray as sirens, mourning, and war have been all around us!!! Any way to help the community with family at war – here too needed, I’m surrounded by growing causes – we have limited food and drink, etc… and resources to give the growing enlistment… Please 🙏 & ty or send now will get to needed people directly…

Follow @tinipops613 Stage your Life for Living…

Hanan Ben Ari – beyond words – 🙏 share the special video link plz –

At a special wedding after special learning, davening and Tehilim together bshem kol Yisrael Moshiach = Moshe Rabbeinu = True Humility = מי נח = Greatness of Israel Likutei Moharan 79.

Ben Shapiro hosting Rudy Rochman – From the front lines –

DM Unity 🤝 Bookings –

unityinspiresprojects A post shared by @unityinspiresprojects

We just got footage from Dutch TV. This is from the Yom Kippur War. Pls, send it to the whole world.

We are excited to work together. Please set up a consultancy through WhatsApp at +972505305002 or email and let’s do #UnityMarketing together.

unityinspiresprojects A post shared by @unityinspiresprojects

Oryahh Music – Unity Booking – Artist/Musician/Producer – New Track Collab with Nissim Black – DM

#nissimblack #oryahh #unitybookings #booknow…

Moshe Gersht – The Three Conditions –

unityinspiresprojects A post shared by @unityinspiresprojects – pre-order now

Join us on the Exciting US 🇺🇸 Book Tour 25th Oct – Dec 4th… Make a #UnityBooking for your community & program – plz Email or DM Eli Goldsmith –

#moshegersht #thethreeconditions #ustour #newbook #booknow

After #chaunkah end of December UK 🇬🇧 & Israel 🇮🇱 follow-up #booktour…

Subscribe to our new #Substack posts on #UnitedSouls Flow –

Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter

United Souls

Personal Branding & #2020Vision – The Challenge for a focused 2023/4!

Unity – Inspires – Projects 🙂

Thoughts – Creative Expression – Actions 🙂

Oneness – #oneness

#unity – #inspires – #projects

#thoughts – #creative-expression – #actions

Stay Tuned… More to Come… Join the Unity Flow…

By Eli Goldsmith – +972533175856! Unity Bookings-

Share Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter

Thanks for reading Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter! Eli is hoping to visit the UK mid-winter 2023/24 – We are forced to delay Mindy’s party (our youngest daughter) due to the beyond-words unfortunate situation in Israel and globally! Click kindly here for Mindy’s appreciated Bat Mitzvah presents which with assistance she happily can choose herself – ✓Message add “For Mindy’s Bat Mitzvah” as we are also collecting for the local community’s growing needs at this time of War. Share & Care now – ✓ Big Hugs to all our friends Globally…

Happy 😃 Days with Certainty Soulfully and Blessed New Year Together!

A Real New Flow for the New Year…New Short too Israel War Wins with Collaboration – On the David Sussman Network! Please 🙏 Pray for Boruch Yitzchak Ben Masha and all the defenders of Yisrael 🙏 –

Dedicated to the real lonely Souls, soldiers & defenders of Yisrael… & Souls Globally – the United Souls that know The Truth of their Souls & for all those that know not yet. Have a Healthy Happy New Year all 🙂 a comment

There is a real opportunity the night before the consummation of marriage! At one point it was my own wedding I was preparing for and only 19 years later it’s my daughters! This is something I have always prepared for and yet feel so unprepared for! The continuation of the life cycle is best manifested by a wedding! Under the wedding canopy comes all the souls of the ancestors of the special couple and all the souls destined to come descend from this blessed couple! We all join together to pray for their success and that our legacy as United Souls should be fulfilled! The reality of a couple being able to unify and become one flesh is so profound and yet so unrecognized in its Divine Grandeur that we anticipate their life together with joyful dancing and celebration! The beautiful union that takes place with passion and love is expressed on the community level and the soul level! We celebrate all together even through a live feed online globally and internally! The United Souls of Marriage is beyond all worlds and limits it’s a representation of the ultimate unification! The experience of standing under your own wedding canopy with very little knowledge is still a very profound opportunity beyond words! However, standing under your children’s wedding canopy like my daughter last night was a more revealed experience due to real deep knowledge, the naivety of life somewhat undone, and the pain of seemingly lost souls or souls that seem so far away! The undone falsity of reality with clarified understanding is a huge step forward in the right direction! We pray these special moments live on in our daily lives as true blessings of United Souls! The beautiful revelation of this Unification of a true wedding of souls they become one United Soul!

Self Control is the key to Happiness

Truly recommend reading Stephen Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” especially after making our own inspired universal addition spelt out somewhat in one of our previous United Chapters here! The most powerful line is developing the ability of self-control is to internalize real happiness! The American Dream is, was, and could be the pursuit of Happiness! The reality is that happiness has turned into all sorts of pursuits! The aspect of happiness and self-control goes very well with the truth of connecting to one’s soul! The soul has a spiritual mission clothed in this physical body! The object is self-mastery, and thus fulfillment from self-control is a step towards happiness! Loyalty and renewal in marriage come together with this self-control and we all need lessons of true intimacy with our soulmate, in the right time, way, and emotional connection! To understand the key to all self-development means mastering the desires within, especially in the sexual area! This is the whole struggle-filled journey of most people in this 2020 generation! We are the people most targeted online and in real-time to not have self-mastery but to rather sell our true self short for some cheap momentary thrill! The long-term gain of purification takes real determination and the ability to be real no matter what! This message is within our holy mystical texts and even features in the weekly portion of the Holy Torah this week of writing now! Yosef Hatzaddick is the light of self-control and self-mastery! He represented and continues to model the attributes of wealth, beauty, and power! And yet he harnessed all the profound Kissufim aka deep will of the world, in the form of channeling the wealth, sustenance, and sexual powers all towards his and the world’s ultimate divine mission! Even during the most challenging time of his late teenage years, he was fighting more temptation than all of Hollywood and Bollywood combined! He epitomized and teaches us eternally that the soul level is the guide and decision-maker in all we choose to do in this world! Even if we have to flee from a situation, seemingly losing everything important, just to maintain this self-control and mastery! The joy of overcoming temptation should not be underestimated! The ability to Unify all of creation through soulful living and connection is where self-control shall lead! Therefore, a United Soul is a happy soul and the pursuit of every truth-seeking human being!

Unity Marketing​ – We are looking forward to marketing your brand, company, organization, and program.

We have had years of experience and success.

We are excited to work together. Please set up a consultancy through WhatsApp at +972505305002 or email and let’s do #UnityMarketing together.

Oryahh Music – Unity Booking – Artist/Musician/Producer – New Track Collab with Nissim Black – DM #nissimblack #oryahh #unitybookings #booknow…

Moshe Gersht – The Three Conditions – unityinspiresprojects

A post shared by @unityinspiresprojects – pre-order now

Join us on the Exciting US 🇺🇸 Book Tour 25th Oct – Dec 4th… Make a #UnityBooking for your community & program – plz Email or DM Eli Goldsmith –

#moshegersht #thethreeconditions #ustour #newbook #booknow

After #chaunkah end of December UK 🇬🇧 & Israel 🇮🇱 follow-up #booktour…

Erez Safar – “I can’t believe it’s this Thursday! IYH! Come early for Eli G. 😉 Here is a link for people to RSVP, please blast today thanks!!!” Let’s go…

RSVP @lightofinfinite Erez Safar is in the holy land from Sept 20th – DM for Unity Bookings –

Let’s go

Eli Lebowicz DM Unity Bookings – Funny 😁 lkovod Yom Kippur – elicomedyagram

A post shared by @elicomedyagram

Now available for your Succos Bookings!!! DM 🤝 Unity Bookings – – 🙏 share to your statuses and group chats!!:)

Moti Weis joining Unity 🤝 Bookings let’s go & book now DM –

The Zera Shimshon by Charles Sakkal – Rosh Hashanah – Yom Kippur Weekly English Class – Efrat!

Join TZS community – #shareon… Listen to our ZS Audio –

Just in case – Updated Sabbath Yom Tov Mode Trick for Sharp Refrigerator Model # Sj-8595 <-

Rav Shlomo Katz Slichot at Shirat Dovid Motzai Shabbos in Efrat 1…

Rav #ShlomoKatz #Slichot at #ShiratDovid #MotzaiShabbos #Elul 5783 in #Efrat 1… Shirat Dovid Classes in Efrat – Patience is the Key hosted by Rav Shlomo Katz…

Enjoy the full #unityflow JLE London #podcast audio –

New Series Feat. Zach Gold Summary Unity Flow – NW London…

Entering the Real Home on Shabbat Rosh Hashana by Eli Goldsmith at Shirat Dovid, EFRAT! Click here ←

True Advice & Knowledge – Yom Kippur & Sukkot by Eli Goldsmith @ Shirat Dovid – Click here ←

Unity Inspires Projects – Unity Flow 🤝 & Relationship Podcast ♥ 2. End in Mind – Mission Statement! Weekly Podcast flow share on… Click here ←

New Series with Zevi & Co… Uman 5784 Reconnect to Rabeinu Torah 155 Likutei Moharan!

Reconnect to the HolyLand Torah 155 Likutei Moharan – The Process!

Eating with Truth – Likutei Moharan Torah 47! Shirat Dovid Efrat!

Subscribe to our new #Substack posts on #UnitedSouls Flow –

Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow LetterUnited SoulsPersonal Branding & #2020Vision – The Challenge for a focused 2023/4!

Unity – Inspires – Projects 🙂

Thoughts – Creative Expression – Actions 🙂

Oneness – #oneness

#unity – #inspires – #projects

#thoughts – #creative-expression – #actions

Stay Tuned… More to Come… Join the Unity Flow…

By Eli Goldsmith – +972533175856! Unity Bookings-

Share Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter

Thanks for reading Eli Goldsmith’s New Flow Letter! Eli is hoping to visit the UK mid-winter & beyond 2023/24 – Click kindly here & send Unity Inspires Projects an appreciated and needed Partnership for the transitioning holiday-filled New Year period 🙂 Sharing Unity Global – ✓ Big Hugs to all our friends Globally…